Aren't we always blooming into something new? What are you in the process of becoming?
I love the idea behind my Bloom Collection. Last fall when I released my first group of paintings, they were born from a time in my life where I was feeling depleted and empty. My life was in great transition and the change was overwhelming. I had just dropped my 1st born off at college, walked away from an all-consuming volunteer job, entered menopause, felt creatively burned out, oh and not to mention we were still in a pandemic. All I wanted to do was crawl up on the couch and sleep. However, I knew if I found some sacred space to create, I would slowly begin to heal, painting can have that mighty power over us. I wanted my creativity to be something new and expressive. I longed to get my emotions out on the paper and explore different colors, mediums and large brush strokes. It was important that it came from me and nobody else. That is how Bloom was born.

Since this collection has been in the world, I have received a lot of feedback with different interpretations of the art. Many see the bloom, but some see birds and others see feathers. It doesn't matter to me what you see, it matters how the painting makes you feel. Are you connected to it; does it remind you of something new bubbling up in your own life? The blooms were healing for me during this season. They allowed me to breathe again and feel freedom from depletion. The idea of something being dormant then blooming again was parallel to what I was experiencing in the midst of my own transition. I was blooming into a mom who needed the courage to embrace change and celebrate a new normal. Aren't we always in the process of becoming something new?

When I sat down to plan my spring collection, I knew I was not done growing yet and its healthy to Bloom Again. This collection has a little bit of everything, acrylic on paper with bright colors and watercolor in soft serene strokes. I even introduce an abstract interpretation of a bloom. These blooms speak to me in a healing way and have given me the courage to accept change. Join me this spring as we all Bloom Again in our own special way.
Bloom Again releases in early April.
